Comprehensive Eye Exams


It’s about more than blurry vision.

Many people think the purpose of an eye exam is to get a new glasses or contact lens prescription. While this is a key important component of a routine eye exam, Dr. Ray will also perform an eye health evaluation. She will test for eye diseases including glaucoma, cataract, and macular degeneration. Plus, serious health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure may be detected by a thorough eye exam. Regular eye exams are an important part of preventative health care and are recommended even if you see clearly.


Pediatric Eye Exams

Dr. Ray is often asked, “How can you do an eye exam on a young child that doesn’t know their letters yet?”

It surprises people that eye exams can in fact be performed on children as young as 6 months. This exam looks a lot different than an adult exam! We have special techniques to get the information we need to assess young eyes and visual systems.